Isolation, secrecy, preoccupation.
Habitual porn use can squander time,
money, and emotional intimacy.
Signs Your Partner Might Be a Sex Addict
Are you struggling to make sense of behaviors of your husband, wife, partner? Partners of sex- and love-addicts often report they sensed something was “off” before the addiction was exposed.
Possible indicators of sexually compulsivity include:
- Staying up late to surf the web or watch television
- Frequently isolating from spouses or partners, and not informing them of their whereabouts
- Acts controlling during sexual activity, or has frequent mood swings before or after sex
- Is demanding about sex, especially regarding time and place
- Gets angry if someone shows concern about a problem with pornography
PATHOS: Six Questions to Screen for Sex Addiction
This PATHOS questionnaire is only 6 questions, but I’m finding it extremely useful as a screening tool in assessments.
Preoccupied – Do you often find yourself preoccupied with sexual thoughts?
Ashamed – Do you hide some of your sexual behavior from others?
Treatment – Have you ever sought therapy for sexual behavior you did not like?
Hurt others – Has anyone been hurt emotionally because of your sexual behavior?
Out of control – Do you feel controlled by your sexual desire?
Sad – When you have sex, do you feel depressed afterwards?
PATHOS: A Brief Screening Application for Assessing Sexual Addiction. (Carnes, 2012