Nicole Johnson, MS, AMF, received her master’s degree in counseling psychology from CSU Stanislaus. She provides psychotherapeutic treatment for individuals, couples, and families. Nicole is credentialed as a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT) through the International Institute of Trauma & Addiction Professionals (IITAP) and has completed in-depth training in “The Developmental Model” from The Couples Institute in Menlo Park, California.
Nicole’s area of specialization is the relationship between healthy sexuality and emotional well-being. Clinical focus in sexual addiction and compulsivity affords Nicole the opportunity to work closely with recovering addicts, partners, and couples as they explore new definitions for sexual health and sexual integrity.
Nicole facilitates group psychotherapy at Foundry (“Helping Partners and Spouses of Sex Addicts Heal”) and serves as a lecturer and primary therapist for Foundry’s 5-Day Intensive Outpatient Program. Nicole is currently creating a 6-week premarital counseling program specific to couples with one member of the coupleship is in recovery from sex or love addiction.
Nicole has developed a sexual health curriculum entitled, “The Emotional Components of Female Sexual Health,” which is designed to educate women of all ages about the connection between their sexuality and emotional well-being. Nicole facilitated focus groups and networked with sex therapists across the country to evaluate and maximize the curriculum’s efficacy.
Nicole can be reached at 510-463-4051 and
Nicole is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT #108746) and Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT).