Think you might be a sex addict?
Take this short quiz to determine whether your sexual behaviors involve the components of tolerance, escalation and negative consequences we associate with sex “addiction.”
1. Do you engage in sexual behaviors to a greater extent, or over a longer period of time, than you intended?
2. Have you had more than one unsuccessful effort to reduce or control your sexual behavior?
3. Is significant time lost preparing for, acting-out, and/or recovering from your sexual behavior?
4. Are you frequently preoccupied with preparing for and/or acting-out your sexual behavior?
5. Do you engage in sexual behavior when you have other obligations (work, school, domestic, or social?)
6. Do you give-up or limit your work, social or recreational activities because of your sexual behavior?
7. Do you continue your sexual behavior despite social, financial, physical or psychological problems consequences?
8. Does your sexual behavior have a diminished effect if continued with the same intensity? Do you need to increase the frequency or intensity to achieve the desired effect?
9. Do you become restless or irritable if unable to engage in sexual behavior?
If you’ve answered “yes” to three or more of the above questions, you may have a problem with sexually compulsive behaviors.
Questions adapted from Schneider, J.P. (1991). How to recognize signs of sexual addiction: Asking the right questions may uncover serious problems. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine. 90(6), 171-182.